When it comes to spine health, planks are one of the best exercises you can integrate into your routine. I’ve worked with countless individuals who struggle with posture issues and lower back pain, …
By Dr. Shauna Burshem, D.C.
The concept of designated “outdoor time” is a mostly recent phenomenon. Some folks born in a year that starts with the number 19 can remember a time where your mother gave you a designated inside …
By Brian Kettering, Director of Day Camps at Camp Victory, Zumbro Falls, MN
2025. How can it already be 2025? It feels like not too long ago we were ringing in the new decade. I could take the time to talk about the first five years of the 2020s, but instead I’m going to …
By RosaLin Alcoser
What are the results of the choices you and I make? In this season of reflection and resetting, we can see how a choice made last year or a few years ago resulted in a specific outcome. Some outcomes …
By Noel Aldrich, PhD, CNS, Licensed Nutritionist
This time of year probably stirs up more family memories than any other time of year. Families gather during this holiday season to share meals together, share gifts, and maybe watch a movie or …
By Emery Kleven
I always liked Christmas, it was a fun season. I remember going to town and walking the snowy cold streets from store to store and listening to Christmas music playing on the outside speakers. I …
By Terry Campbell
What do you know about alcohol? Is a little alcohol once in while okay? During a physical exam a frequent question asked is how much alcohol you consume, so what is the big deal? Let’s identify …
By Noel Aldrich, PhD, CNS, Licensed Nutritionist
Once again Christmas is rolling around for the year. Christmas is my father’s favorite holiday. He loves the presents and the food, but the thing he gets most into with it is the Christmas tree. …
By RosaLin Alcoser
Resistance weight training is a highly effective exercise method that offers numerous health benefits, particularly for those conscious of maintaining their vitality and youthfulness. One of the most …
What do you know about cholesterol? Is it good to have cholesterol, or is it bad? Is it possible to have too much of a good thing? What is the big deal about cholesterol? It is one of the most …
By Noel Aldrich, PhD, CNS, Licensed Nutritionist
Claudia and her husband joined Monica on the farm late in the summer of 2016. There was plenty of room in the house (it had 4 bedrooms, two bathrooms and even two kitchens). And more than enough room …
By Monica & Claudia Vanderborght
Other than watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on the television my family does not have any other Thanksgiving Day traditions. There was a short time when I was in college back in Southern …
By RosaLin Alocser
Walking is a simple yet powerful way to improve your health. When you walk regularly, you can strengthen your heart and lungs, which is great for your cardiovascular system. Walking gets your blood …
By Dr. Shauna Burshem, D.C.
On Friday September 27th the storm surge from Hurricane Helene struck the east side of Tennessee. Hurricanes don’t usually affect Tennessee. But Hurricane Helene is one of the strongest to come …
One of the earlier favorite memories I had as a kid was the radio. I enjoyed listening to the radio. But I had no control over the stations when I was real young. The radio in the barn was on KDHL. …
By Terry Campbell
In August, 2018, I shared two columns that my friend Jerry Nelson wrote about how, through DNA testing, his cousin and wife were reunited with a daughter they gave up for adoption. You can go to …
By Emery Kleven
One year after Monica settled into her Wanamingo farm, Claudia and her husband joined her there. (Claudia’s husband passed about one year later.) Monica would be in charge of the livestock (Claudia …
By Monica & Claudia Vanderborght
During cold and flu season, many people look for ways to stay healthy and ward off sickness. One option is chiropractic care, which can be a great ally for keeping your body in fighting shape. …
By Shauna Burshem, D.C.
Almost everyone has experienced difficulty passing a bowel movement at least once in their life. For some, the challenge is a regular occurrence. Dr. Alan Gaby defines constipation as having less …
By Noel Aldrich, PhD, CNS, Licensed Nutritionist
Over the course of my life I have attended and taken part in a number of festivals. From county fairs to street festivals and town festivals I’ve been to just about little of everything. The most …
By RosaLin Alcoser