PRESENT: Mayor Jeffrey McCool, Councilmembers Burse, Ripley, Peterson.
ABSENT: Councilmember Nielson
ALSO PRESENT: Joe Palen of Stantec, Maintenance Supervisor Keith Clammer, Interim Administrator/Clerk Sandra Borders and Police Chief Shannon Boerner, Fire Chief Chad Finne.
Mayor McCool removed Item C from the Consent agenda for a separate vote.
MOTION: Motion to approve the agenda as amended.
Motion made by Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Burse
Ayes: Mayor McCool, Councilmembers Burse, Ripley, Peterson
Nays: None Motion passed
Representatives from Lamae’s Bright Light 5k run were present to request that they be allowed to conduct the 5k run during the Survival Days events to be held on July 27, 2024. The run would start at Lions Park. The run is to help with the awareness of Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood.
Consensus of the Council to allow the 5k run.
A. Approve of Council Meeting Minutes of March 21, 2024
B. Approval of Special Council Meeting Minutes of March 28, 2024
C. Resolution 2024-17: Affidavit of Ripley Electric for Services
D. Resolution 2024-18: Acceptance of Donations to the City
E. Resolution 2024-19: Hiring of Bartender Crystal Massey
F. Resolution 2024-20: Hiring of Probationary Fire Fighters Mike Naze and Grant Erler
1. Approval of Payment of Claims: 04-05-2024: $46,784.53: 04-04-2024: $2,936.00: 04-11-2024: $16,775.54
2. 04-17-2024:
MOTION: Motion to approve Consent Agenda as amended.
Motion made by Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Burse
Ayes: Mayor McCool, Councilmembers Burse, Ripley, Peterson
Nays: None Motion passed
Resolution 2024-17: Affidavit of Ripley Electric for Services
MOTION: Motion to approve Resolution 2024-17 – Affidavit of Ripley Electric for Services
Motion made by Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Burseim
Ayes: Mayor McCool, Councilmembers Burse, Peterson
Nays: None Abstention: Ripley Motion passed
2023 Annual Audit Report:
Greg Burkhardt was present from Burkhardt & Burkhardt, certified public accountants, to present the 2023 Audit report. He explained the financial reporting and summarized the audit results. He explained that the general fund revenues exceeded the budget by $55,000 and that the city has a lack of segregated duties because of the limited staff. A copy of the complete audit is available at City Hall. The Council by consensus accepted the 2023 Annual Audit.
2024A and 2024B Bond Issues:
Todd Hagen, from Ehlers was present to discuss the issuance of the bond issues for the 2024. Mr. Hagen explained the Post-Issuance Compliance Policy, Post-Issuance Compliance Procedures, Presale Reports for the 2024A and 2024B Bonds. The city will be issuing a $1.5 million dollar bond for the street, water, sewer, and storm water project within the city. The bonds will be issued for 15 years. The 2024B bond in the amount of $335,000 will be used for the improvement to the municipal liquor store parking lot and alley and for Phase 2A improvement on South Street.
Resolution: 2024-22: Providing for the Issuance and Sale of General Obligation Abatement Bonds, Series 2024B in the Proposed Principal Amount of $355,000
MOTION: Motion to Resolution 2024-22 providing for the issuance and sale of the General Obligation Abatement Bonds, series 2024B.
Motion made by Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Burse
Ayes: Mayor McCool, Councilmembers Burse, Ripley, Peterson
Nays: None Motion passed
Resolution 2024-23: Providing for the Issuance and Sale of General Obligation Abatement Bonds, Series 2024A in the Proposed Principal Amount of $1,500,000
MOTION: Motion to Resolution 2024-23 providing for the issuance and sale of the General Obligation Abatement Bonds, series 2024A.
Motion made by Councilmember Burse, seconded by Councilmember Peterson
Ayes: Mayor McCool, Councilmembers Burse, Ripley, Peterson
Nays: None Motion passed
Resolution 2024-24: Credit Enhancement for 2024A Bonds and the MN Public Facilities Authority Credit Enhancement Program Agreement
MOTION: Motion to Resolution 2024-22 providing for the issuance and sale of the General Obligation Abatement Bonds, series 2024B.
Motion made by Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Burse
Ayes: Mayor McCool, Councilmembers Burse, Ripley, Peterson
Nays: None Motion passed
Resolution 2024- 21: Setting a Date for the Public Hearing on Tax Abatement and Issuance of Bonds
The Public Hearing will be held at the Bell Tower Center on May 16,2024 at 7:00 pm or shortly thereafter regarding the proposed property tax abatement and issuance of bonds.
MOTION: Motion to Resolution 2024-21 Setting the Public Hearing on the Tax Abatement and Issuance of bonds for May 18, 2024 at 7:00 pm or shortly thereafter.
Motion made by Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Burse
Ayes: Mayor McCool, Councilmembers Burse, Ripley, Peterson
Nays: None Motion passed
Response to New Limits Notification to West Concord Waste Water Treatment Facility.
Joe Palen from Stantec was present to present to the council a letter to MPCA regarding the new limits notification letter that the city received. They had provided the MPCA with data. The city and the MPCA will be working on the issuance of a new permit for the Wastewater Treatment facility.
Street Sweeping Quotes:
Keith Clammer presented to the Council the street sweeping quotes for the 2024 street sweeping contract. Two quotes were received: Rochester Sweeping Services in the amount of $135 per hour and the other one from Groundmaster in the amount of $200.00 per hour including the trip charge.
MOTION: Motion to award the street sweeping to Rochester Sweeping Services.
Motion made by Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Burse
Ayes: Mayor McCool, Councilmembers Burse, Ripley, Peterson
Nays: None Motion passed
It was reported that the city received from the Historical Society a check in the amount of $4,358.27 for the gambling rent at the Municipal Liquor store.
Librarian Report: The report included that there will be seven legacy programs and a local author will be visiting the library. There will be future programs on birdwatching, leather works, music, magic show, storyteller, and the most haunted places in Minnesota. The library will sponsor a summer reading program with the theme Adventure Begins in your Library.
Maintenance Supervisor Clammer reported that there are two ditches that need to be cleaned and excavated.
MOTION: Motion to approve the ditch repair work as described by public works.
Motion made by Councilmember Peterson, seconded by Councilmember Burse
Ayes: Mayor McCool, Councilmembers Burse, Ripley, Peterson
Nays: None Motion passed
Clammer also noted that on Saturday, April 20th there will be tree planting done in the city. Volunteers from the city and from the University of Minnesota and Tree Trust will be present to help with the planting.
Chief Finne said that they had a controlled burn on some of the grass land in the city.
POLICE CHIEF: It was reported that there were 79 incidents during the month.
Mayor McCool informed the Council that the Personnel Committee interviewed someone for the Clerk/Administrator position. He suggested doing a second interview with the whole council. Staff will contact the applicant regarding possible interview dates.
MOTION: Motion to Adjourn.
Motion made by Mayor McCool, seconded Councilmember Burse.
Ayes: Mayor McCool, Councilmembers Burse, Ripley, Peterson
Nays: None Motion passed
Mayor Jeffrey McCool
Sandra Borders, Interim Clerk/Administrator